Vaginal bleeding

PMS is calculated from the first day of the session until the first day of the session that followed, and when women are healthy this period 28 days, but we consider a normal session if the period ranged from 25 to 33 days. And with the end of menstruation (bleeding session period) Cells begin and endometrial glands to grow under the influence of hormones produced by the ovaries; so that the lining of the uterus becomes thicker with time, and in preparation for pregnancy.

- Irregular vaginal bleeding and is expected to :

- Is any bleeding from the woman's vagina area, and usually refers to bleeding outside the menstrual period, which is not part of the regular session, or that the amount of blood during menstruation is heavy and trailing from the normal limit. 

- There are a variety of reasons including infections and hormonal changes, and suffering from continuous bleeding problems, call consult a doctor for a full evaluation to make sure that there is no fundamental disorder that causes the problem. And may include vaginal bleeding is not normal what


1. excessive bleeding or heavy.
2. Long menstrual cycle.
3. bleeding or punctuation between sessions.
4. menstrual cycle that occurs very frequently in frequent.
5. bleeding after sex.
6. bleeding after menopause.
7. vaginal bleeding during pregnancy.
8. bleeding associated with the process of ovulation

Signs and symptoms

- Women may notice the presence of blood on her underwear or bed.

- You may find blood on the toilet paper after urinating.

- Menstruation may be too heavy, thus necessitating the development of more diapers or tampons for what they do normally.

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Vaginal bleeding
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