10 best universities to study medicine in Germany

German universities are the best destination frequented by students of medical science across the world. Germany, with a large number of universities that teach medicine. 10 best universities to study medicine, according to the classification in 2014 shown off in this file photographer 

10 best universities to study medicine in Germany

Start reverse order. In tenth place was the University of Leipzig. He graduated from Goethe, Nietzsche, Wagner and Angela Merkel. 9 of its alumni have won the Nobel Prize. Faculty of Medicine which has 3,000 students.

10 best universities to study medicine in Germany
9. famous University of Freiburg teaches humanities and natural sciences. But it also includes the School of Medicine and the hospitals and medical institutions kit. It employs 10 thousand doctors, nurses, and address 58 thousand patients a year.

10 best universities to study medicine in Germany
8. University of Tübingen: the classic one of the oldest universities in Germany. Characterized by its success in the field of medical and natural studies. A large number of alumni have won the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

10 best universities to study medicine in Germany
7. Medical College at the University of Wurzburg, established in 1402, and then re-established in 1582, and thus it stands among the most prestigious university institutions in Germany. And it includes 16 institutes and 21 medical departments.

10 best universities to study medicine in Germany
6. Muenster University: The University was established in 1780. Currently comprising 15 colleges, covering 250 seminar. The university prides itself on being home to about five-thousand teachers and 37 thousand students.

10 best universities to study medicine in Germany
5. Magdeburg University, one of the youngest universities in Germany, where the Medical College has been introduced in 1993. 1300 includes a specialist in medicine. College Hospital receives about 45 thousand patients a year.

10 best universities to study medicine in Germany
Luebeck University School of Medicine in addressing diseases spreading in the twenty-first century. Currently focusing on injuries and infections of the brain, and the behavior of the digestive system, and science of genes.

10 best universities to study medicine in Germany
2. Aachen Technical University: Founded in 1966, the Medical College has exceptional potential. There are also the many clinics, research institutes and experimental clinics. Taught at the Faculty of Medicine about 2,700 students.

10 best universities to study medicine in Germany
1. Best Medical School in Germany in Heidelberg University, a medical school age in this prestigious university six centuries, and is seeking to respond to the challenges of the 21st century. Author: inspiring angels / V.a

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10 best universities to study medicine in Germany
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