The reasons leading to congenital heart defects

The reasons leading to congenital heart defects

To date, the scientists did not discover the causes of congenital heart defects, but there is help possible factors that help to get the deformation congenital heart when the fetus; knowing that the heart muscle is made up fully the first eight weeks of pregnancy.

Divided into two types of these reasons:

1. reasons related to the fetus.

2. For reasons of pain.

For reasons that are related to pain are: 

1. Ms. pregnant viral infections, especially in the first three months of pregnancy, such as rubella Rubella, Mumps disease or Abu Dgam Mumps exposure.
2. pregnant woman to eat certain medications during pregnancy, such as:
A - neurodegenerative drugs.
B - depression drugs.

C - rheumatic drugs.
3. The presence of some chronic diseases, such as when a pregnant woman:

A diabetes Diabetes mellitus

- Where it was noted that the rate of congenital heart abnormalities to occur when the woman who suffers from diabetes is controlled is five times the lady who does not suffer from diabetes or suffer from diabetes, but controlled.

B - lupus erythematosus disease

- Where he gets when the fetus decline of ventricular fibrillation (any child that is born and has a severe lack of electrical heart) and the possible need to cultivate a battery to the heart muscle after birth.

4. Pregnant women exposed during the first trimester of pregnancy X-ray images and a private class-CT-Scan; as the ratio of harm to the fetus tenfold image of natural radiation.

5. There are other important factors can lead to distortions such as congenital heart:

A - smoking and alcohol intake.
B - having children at a later age (ie, after the age of forty).

Reasons that relate to the fetus are:

1. a defect in the number of chromosomes, such as:

A - Down Syndrome Down-Syndrome as the number of chromosomes is 47 and not 46 (normal).

B - Turner syndrome Tuner-Syndrome as the number of chromosomes is 45 and not 46 (normal).

2. The presence of the genetic defect in character, such as: syndrome Marfan, Noonan, ill genetic heart muscle.

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The reasons leading to congenital heart defects
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