Best country to study medicine

Best country to study medicine
Best country to study medicine

The medicine a science, which began its study since the foot and taken to evolve with the passage of time, and that no nation can live without this science, and the progress we are seeing in this area day after day benefit millions around the world, and even become a professional doctor must study it in an ancient and accredited university study in a country eligible for it enables you to practice and study it well, and have collected for you in this article some of the best countries in the world and that you can study medicine them.

Best country to study medicine:

Germany, one of the best countries can study medicine them, and taught them after obtaining a bachelor in a scientific discipline, and study the German language be, and the level of study is excellent, and the number of seats available is limited.
The United States, and where the test on three stages, to be the first from the referendum Monday before the start of the study, and the study by advanced theoretical and applied, beginning after the study four years next to get his BA, require a study of 3 years from the primer of Medicine at the stage college, then graduate from 3-7 years, and some of the few universities accept Joined directly after high school, but a very large total, and the graduation of students an excellent standard, with training and doing many researches and studies.
Canada, and is Joined by a decade after Multiple Choice One test, is held three times a year in the months of January and May and September, and you bear the expenses or be continued formal hand.

Australia, are held to test and accept each year based on your own search for a new hospital to continue in the program, and is one of the best choices available to study medicine abroad.
The Netherlands, and a study in Alangelzah and conditions of acceptance is not as complicated as some other universities, and a large part of the Netherlands universities achieve global centers.
Britain, of course, and the universities of Cambridge and Oxford of the best universities in the world to study them, and is characterized by large potential and ability to make a large number of research and studies them.
Japan, where the study was written in Japanese, with the exception of one university and is Osako University study to be out in Alangelzah, making it suitable for many students.
Belgium, and study the French language to be making it a viable option for those proficient in the French language, and are easy uncomplicated, with the possibility to study some of the other languages.

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Best country to study medicine
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